Friday, November 11, 2011

Joe Pa

Extra Credit
            The whole scandal involving Jerry Sandusky is very disturbing. No one in his right mind should ever even consider raping and molesting younger boys, never mind ten of them; that’s completely messed up. Sandusky should be put away for the rest of his life. For all the people involved, they should be fired immediately and investigated for not stopping Sandusky. You can’t turn a blind eye to an issue this huge. These victims are psychologically and physically damaged. Some of the victims may never be able to function normally again because of the atrocious actions of Sandusky.
Gram Spanier definitely should’ve been fired. Although he wasn’t here during the time that the raping’s took place, he still knew about them and did absolutely nothing to bring Jerry Sandusky to justice. Instead, he just swept it under the rug not wanting to give Penn State a bad reputation. How’s the reputation of Penn State looking right now GSPAN?
And why didn’t they bring Sandusky down in 1998, when he was still coaching here at Penn State and was still raping the boys? Why didn’t they bring him down in 2005, when word of the raping’s leaked? And now why do they decide to bring Sandusky down now, right after Joe Pa is having an amazing season: 8-1, first in the Big 10 Conference, and most importantly, receiving win number 409?
Joe Pa did go to the Athletic Director; Joe Pa supposedly also went to the chief of police. Both of these men, who are superiors to Joe Pa, covered the story up. Legally and morally Joe Pa did the correct thing. There is no one higher in the police than the chief. Everyone is bitching at him for not going to the police. If he did actually go to the police, then Joe Pa did everything correctly and was wrongfully fired. The head of the board of trustees even stated that all of the facts are unknown. How the hell can you make such brash and harsh decisions without knowing all of the facts? What happened to “innocent until proven guilty?” There are going to be many investigations into this scandal. So why not be patient and wait for the truth to be discovered and then make your decision. Even with the allegations and pending investigations, they should’ve let Joe Pa finish out the last year on his contract. He had three games left and one more home game which is this weekend against a top contender Nebraska.
I also think the media is blowing this whole issue up. Yes, it’s a large issue but let the university deal with it first. On ESPN footage was put into different order to make it look like the riots started before the police got there. I was there, that’s complete bullshit. Everyone was downtown and at Old Main chanting but peacefully. It wasn’t until the police and riot squad came that things started getting out of hand. The police instigated much of the rioting by taking down students, beating them, and pepper-spraying them. It could’ve remained a peaceful protest.
Regardless of what has been said in the grand jury report and regardless of what may come of the pending investigations, Joe Pa will still go down in history as the greatest football coach the game has ever seen. We’ll all remember all of the amazing things he has done for this university and surrounding community. Let’s sweep under the rug the whole scandal and his “involvement” just like all of his peers did with the raping’s and remember Joe Pa as a legend. WE ARE… still in love with Joe Pa; WE ARE… still bleeding blue and white; WE ARE… PENN STATE.

1 comment:

  1. "The head of the board of trustees even stated that all of the facts are unknown. How the hell can you make such brash and harsh decisions without knowing all of the facts? What happened to “innocent until proven guilty?” There are going to be many investigations into this scandal. So why not be patient and wait for the truth to be discovered and then make your decision."

    You are absolutely right, Derek. Way to point this out, way to ask for patience and understanding and grace under pressure. Nicely done!
