Thursday, September 22, 2011


1. What is the issue of the piece? The issue that the piece addresses is being the #1 party school and the amount of drinking Penn State students do and the results of the amount of alcoholic beverages they consume. Many arrests have been made due to alcohol consumption and so has vandalism, public urination, theft, and even death have occurred due to an excess amount of drinking.
2. What reasons are given for why the issue needs to be investigated? The reasons why the drinking issue needs to be investigated are that there are mayn alcholo related incidences occurring in the State College community. In the beginning of the report, when they were sitting on the front porch the reporters witnessed many things directly related to alcohol consumption and partying. They saw girls peeing in her yard, kids dragging a stop sign down the street, kids drop-kicking a trash bin in an alley, and many other things. Then they go onto talk about deaths that have occurred as a result of drinking at apartments and/or fraternities.
3. Who is the intended audience? I think the intended audience is everybody in the State College community. I think they want to address the student body, faculty, and police officers. They want to address the student body by pointing out all of the negative consequences that come from drinking too much or underage drinking. They talk about all of the arrests that have been made, the sexual assualts, and even deaths. They want to scare the kids into not drinking, or at least not drinking as much. They're also addressing the faculty because the reporters think that the faculty members should be taking action against all of these problems. They also want to reach out to the police officers because they're the ones enforcing the laws. They want the UP police and State College police to collaborate as one, more efficient unit to crack down on the drinking issues here in State College.
4. What facts and details are given to explain how the issue affects different groups that might have an interest in or connection to the issue? The reporters use many facts and details to explain how the issue affects different groups. One group of people the reporters interviewed was the people who distribute and sell alcohol. One of the dance club owners said that they used to sell 80%-90% beer, and now its the exact opposite with liquor being the top-selling type of alcohol. They also shadowed a police officer for one night. The reporters saw many different cases of how people can be arrested due to drinking alcohol.
5. What conclusion is drawn by the end of the report? The conclusion that the reporters came to after their investigation was that no matter what actions are taken against drinking and partying, they will still occur. The Penn State community has twice tried to curve back the partying and nothing seemed to have worked. Now, police officers just hope to contain the parties and make sure they don't become out of control.
6. What research and interviews were included in this report? A lot of research and many interviews were conducted in this investigative report. Multiple students, fraternity members, alumni, police officers, local residents, and many local business owners were all interviewed for this report.
7. What narrative techniques were used in this report? The narrative techniques used in this report were the use of interviews, a good use of imagery, side and back-stories, and direct quotes.

I really liked this investigative report. I think they did an amazing job getting a lot of behind-the-scenes information on the issue of being the #1 party school in America. They used a lot of interviews with a variety of different groups of people to get all points of view on the issue.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis, Derek! I'm excited to hear you defend the piece against those who didn't enjoy it or found it biased.
