Thursday, August 25, 2011

Penn Stater

     I've always thoroughly enjoyed writing. For me it's a way of being able to express feelings, emotions, ideas, opinions, etc. and share them with other people. My strengthes as a writer are definitely coming up with good ideas to write about and having a strong ending to solidify my argument. Like I said before, I like writing so ideas just come to me; and I'm easily able to transfer those thoughts and ideas into words and put them on paper. Ending an argument or your side of a debate with a strong ending is definitely affective in swaying the audience. The last sentence or two of my papers always make very strong points supporting my side and negating the other argument. One of my weaknesses as a writer are transitioning between paragraphs. I feel like I can improve at this by better ordering my paragraphs to create the best fluidity. I think that this class will improve my writing skills in many ways. Not only will it improve the areas that I'm weak in, but it'll also improve the areas that I'm strong in. Taking a college English class will definitely present more learning opportunities for me to become a better writer than a high school English class.
     Other than writing papers for school, I also write my own songs for the guitar. My inspiration for songs come from the everyday world around me. Singer/songwriter John Reznik of the Goo Goo Dolls has been one of my idols for a long time. The song "Iris" is my favorite song by them and has given me many ideas for songs. The song "Heaven (Little by Little)" by Theory of a Deadman gave me the inspiration for my first song. Two of my best friends had recently passed away due to Cystic Fibrosis, and I heard this song on my ipod when I was playing the guitar. The idea came to me to write a song for them, and I kept writing songs from there on.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Derek! Concise, to the point, and I'm glad you find personal fulfillment in writing. That's the first and most important step in the process!

    It was a shock to read that you recently lost two friends to Cystic Fibrosis. Maybe something you'll touch on for your personal narrative? It definitely caught my attention and I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
